중앙의학 The Korean Central Journal of Medicine Vol.28, No.5, May,1975 附子劑 投與로 因한 肝細胞 變化에 關한 電子顯微鏡的 硏究 慶北大學校 醫科大學 神經精神科學敎室 李 時 炯 An Electron Microscopic Study of the Changes of the Hepatocyte of A...
中央醫學 The Korean Central Journal of Medicine 27:3,1974 "骨仁" 投與가 家兎血中酒精濃度에 미치는 實驗的 硏究 大邱市立病院 內科·檢査室 / 朱在煥 ·秋慶鎬 The Effect of Gollin on Blood Alcohol Concentration in Rabbits Joe Hwan Jo...
中央醫學 The Korean Central Journal of Medicine 27:3,1974 "骨仁" 投與가 酒精中毒者와 過飮酒者에 미치는 臨床的 觀察 大邱市立病院 內科 朱 在 煥 Clinical Effect of "Gollin" Administration to the Alcoholics and Hangover Syndrome Jae-Hwon Joo, M...
最新醫學 Vol. 17, No. 8, 1974 附子 및 硫黃의 複合製劑가 家兎血中 酒精濃度에 미치는 實驗的 硏究 洪載奉·李雄烈·朴宗漢·李時炯 The Effect of Compound of Aconite And Sulfur on Blood Alcohol Level in Rabbits Joe-Bong Hong, Wo...